Multicultural Roots

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Stories from Santa Rosa’s Black, Indigenous, People of Color

"This project is important to me because I grew up thinking my community was diverse only because of the people I saw. I didn't know the history was so rich and included leaders and social justice pioneers from BIPOC communities."

- Monse Salas, AmeriCorp VISTA and Youth Intern at Latino Service Providers

The Multicultural Roots Project was created with two purposes:

  1. Increase visibility for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in Sonoma County, with a particular focus on Santa Rosa
  2. Recognize, through historical stories from BIPOC, contributions and impacts that have shaped Santa Rosa and Sonoma County.

Working with local historians and community partners, Community Engagement staff have been gathering stories and facts about local BIPOC leaders, as well as historical events and places that have shaped Santa Rosa and Sonoma County into what it is today.

Help us expand this rich record of our community

Share the stories you know or the stories you want to hear about BIPOC leaders and history. Use the tools below to participate in this project.

Stories from Santa Rosa’s Black, Indigenous, People of Color

"This project is important to me because I grew up thinking my community was diverse only because of the people I saw. I didn't know the history was so rich and included leaders and social justice pioneers from BIPOC communities."

- Monse Salas, AmeriCorp VISTA and Youth Intern at Latino Service Providers

The Multicultural Roots Project was created with two purposes:

  1. Increase visibility for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in Sonoma County, with a particular focus on Santa Rosa
  2. Recognize, through historical stories from BIPOC, contributions and impacts that have shaped Santa Rosa and Sonoma County.

Working with local historians and community partners, Community Engagement staff have been gathering stories and facts about local BIPOC leaders, as well as historical events and places that have shaped Santa Rosa and Sonoma County into what it is today.

Help us expand this rich record of our community

Share the stories you know or the stories you want to hear about BIPOC leaders and history. Use the tools below to participate in this project.

Q & A

If you have any questions about this project, the people featured, or anything else we haven't answered here, please let us know by asking your question here.

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Page last updated: 29 Jun 2022, 02:59 PM